
get.cp.client Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /cp/15729/2358078/6481
# Route name Path Log
1 all_article_pressroom /communique/pressroom/articles/{idPressroom} Path does not match
2 load_article_pressroom /load/article/pressroom/{idPressroom} Path does not match
3 auth-token /auth-tokens Path does not match
4 get-auth-token /auth-tokens Path does not match
5 categorie_coupure /categorieCoupure/update Path does not match
6 update_mots_cles_client /api/clients/{idClient}/{idMotCle}/{action} Path does not match
7 get_mots_cles_list /api/clients/motsClesList/recherche/{motsClesList}/{actuel} Path does not match
8 get_clients_score /api/clients/scoreClients/score/{score}/{actuel} Path does not match
9 get_clients_dates /api/clients/rechercheDates/{dateDebut}/{dateFin}/{actuel} Path does not match
10 get_clients_dates_tri /api/clients/rechercheDatesTri/{dateDebut}/{dateFin}/{actuel}/{typeTri} Path does not match
11 modif_clients /api/clients/{idClient}/modifier/{ancienneAddrGene}/{ancienneAddrCoup} Path does not match
12 all_communique_pressroom /communique/pressroom/{idPressroom} Path does not match
13 all_article_site /communique/site Path does not match
14 conge_validation /conge/{idUser}/{rand} Path does not match
15 /demande/contact Path does not match
16 load.coupure.client /coupure/client/load/{idClient} Path does not match
17 envoyer.coupure.reseauxsociaux /coupure/envoyer/reseauxsociaux/{idParution} Path does not match
18 get_contacts_client /coupure/ficheClient/getContactsClients/contacts/{idClient} Path does not match
19 get_contacts_client_envoi_coupures /coupures/ficheClient/getContactsClientsCoupures/contactsEnvoiCoupures/{idClient} Path does not match
20 get.cp.client /cp/{idMailling}/{idUser}/{idPartie} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.